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Swanwick Sleep Fitovers: Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Swanwick Sleep Fitovers: Blue Light Blocking Glasses are designed to block out damaging blue wavelength lights from computers and other screens, limiting our sleep, making us more irritable, and hindering our success. Best of all, blue light glassesfit right over your prescription glasses or readers.Our current digital age bombards us with artificial light constantly. The sunprovides light for us in the day, and traditionally once it sets our light sources only came from fire, moonlight, and candlelight. As technology evolved, streetlights, store lights, car lights, billboard signs, television, computers, and smartphones are on 24/7. We live in an era full of light pollution blue light specifically and without protection from blue light, we put our health at risk.Blue light is specific to electronics, and since the last thing most of us look at before we try to get shut eye is a phone, laptop, or television, we alter our body's internal clock and fool it into thinking it's still day time;this leads to poor sleep.Although poor sleep becomes the initial problem, it can lead to irritability, fatigue, ongoing insomnia, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.Swanwick Sleep'sFitovers blue light glasses solves two problems at once: constant blue light and prescription lenses. It's not realistic for us to stay indoors and live by candlelight. Swannies Fitovers: Blue Light Blocking Glasses use amber lenses to block blue light wavelength, allowing your body to naturally produce melatonin. This ensures you fall asleep easier and spend more time deep, restorative, REM sleep during the night.Getting new prescription glasses that block out blue light will cost you additional money and limit your glasses use in the day time. Swannies Fitovers blue light glasses are comfortably and easily placed over your existing glasses so you can easily enjoy your usual evening entertainment clear as day.Swannies can also be used as pre-sleep glasses. Just pop them on 90-minutes before bed and enjoy using your electronics or watching television. Once it's time to fall asleep, your body will respond almost immediately to your internal clock. The result is a more refreshed, energized, and relaxed you every morning.Why We Love It: Easily and comfortably fits over glasses and readers Blocks harmful blue light from electronics (PC, Laptop, Phones, TV, streetlights, cars, billboards) Reduces digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome Perfect for night owls Designed for long-term use and comfort Natural sleep aid suitable for men, women + children Prevents insomnia and many common sleep disorders Anti-fatigue Anti-glare Anti-reflective FDA Registered
Price: 89.00
