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Sugar-Free Chews with CLA Chocolate (28 pc) - ShapeWise

ShapeWise Flavor Chews wtih CLA - Chocolate
28 Soft Chews Per Bag

Shapewise Chews contain CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), an ingredient that has been scientifically proven to enhance weight loss and help you maintain your new body shape even after your diet program is complete. Three soft, delicious chews provide 1000 mg of CLA. Shapewise Chews are similar to a tootsie roll or taffy and they contain milk calcium, an ingredient shown to stimulate the body's processes that breakdown body fat.

Key features of the Shapewise Flavor Chews with CLA - Chocolate:

  • Promote fat loss and inhibit fat storage
  • Enhance weight loss
  • Optimize body shape
  • Maintain more lean body tissue after dieting
  • 3 Soft, Delicious Chews Provide 1000 mg of CLA
  • No Gluten Containing Ingredients

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), is a naturally occurring free fatty acid found mainly in meat and dairy products, in small amounts. CLA was actually discovered by accident in 1978 by Michael W. Pariza at the University of Wisconsin while looking for mutagen formations in meat during cooking.

CLA is research proven to build muscle, reduce body fat (especially in the abdominal area), and induce an optimum cellular environment for improved health! Additionally, no long-term adverse effects have been found relating to the intake of CLA.

How does CLA Work?
CLA works to reduce body fat by preventing fat accumulation in the fat cells. Fat normally enters the fat cell through a "door" that is controlled by an enzyme, the "key". By acting on this enzyme, or "key", the CLA keeps the "door" locked. When the "door" is locked, fat cannot enter the cells thereby not allowing the amount of fat to increase in the cells. The less fat that is present in the cells, the smaller and less mature they become, which helps to reduce the level of fat in the body. Furthermore, the increased breakdown of fat helps to fuel and preserve muscle mass and results in weight loss.

Price: 13.95
