The Best Web

Lemony Snicket: When Did You See Her Last? Personalized Edition

Lemony Snicket is back in the town of Stain�d-by-the-Sea and he is on the lookout for Cleo Knight, a curious young chemist who has gone missing. As a voluntary apprentice, you are receiving Snicket�s top secret files of this mysterious account.To aid your training, Snicket has included three letters found only here that instruct you to locate more associates, fulfill a necessary checklist, and create a classified file of your own for future reference and present enjoyment. Welcome to the second case in your voluntary apprenticeship. Snicket wishes you all the luck in the world, except for the luck he needs himself.This book is yours to personalize for a curious young reader. Include your child�s name, a photo, and a dedication message from you. Add your child�s first initial for a monogrammed opening. Plus, include the name of two of the child�s �associates�, a local street name, and the name of the gift giver which will appear throughout the book in letters from Lemony Snicket.
Price: 19.99
